Disney Princess Bubble Tiara Ariel Beloved Princess Ariel, from Disney's animated hit The Little Mermaid, absolutely dazzles in sparkling fashions with signature colors and unique silhouette Relive favorite fairy tale scenes with this royal beauty all dressed up for the moment when her dreams come true Other enchanting princesses in the assortment include: Cinderella, Belle, Tiana, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Jasmine and Merida Collect them all and sparkle ever after Each sold separately, subject to availability Ages 3 and Up . If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we’re here to help. Feedback: We appreciate your FEEDBACK!!! If you have had a wonderful experience shopping with us, please leave us positive feedback! We strive to bring you the best products, for the lowest prices, all while offering excellent customer service! If you are not satisfied, please contact us via eBay messages, so that we may resolve any issues promptly. Thank You for Shopping with BargainRanger!