Inspired by the happily-ever-after tale of Disney's beloved animated film "The Little Mermaid", The Ashton-Drake Galleries presents its first-ever Disney "Princess Ariel" doll with ball jointing, for the most lifelike posing options ever! This exquisite Disney Ariel doll wears the elegant Princess Ariel dress reminiscent of the later scenes of the Disney classic film, when Ariel is at last transformed from a mermaid to a mortal woman so that she can win the heart of her handsome prince! This impressive 16" Disney Princess Ariel doll is handcrafted in vinyl with silky red hair, hand-painted features, and fully articulated jointing that allows an exciting multitude of poses. In her womanly transformation, Ariel is elegantly dressed as you fondly remember her, in a lovely gown in shades of pink accessorized with a gleaming golden tiara. Importantly, this Disney Ariel doll is a masterpiece of the dollmaker's art that is limited to an edition of just 2,500 dolls. A fine collectible, not intended for children. This Disney Princess Ariel collectible doll is issued in a limited edition of 2,500 Accompanied by a Certificate authenticating your Ariel doll is an original from The Ashton-Drake Galleries Measures approximately 16" H; 40.6 cm H